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For the last few years in League of Legends, Attack Damage Carry (ADC) Champions, also known as Marksmen, have struggled to stay in the meta. In Patch 10.11, which released today, Riot is giving ADCs a little love. Here’s what you need to know.

Champion changes

Riot is giving several ADC Champions some balance tweaks, along with items. Here are the League of Legends Champions and the buffs they are getting:

  • Kai’Sa: Kai’Sa is receiving the biggest changes among ADCs. Her Icathian Rain is getting a small .05 AD ratio damage buff, and her Ultimate is getting bonus range at later levels. In addition to these changes, she’s also getting the base health and base health growth increase other ADCs are getting. Her base health is going from 500 to 530, and her base health growth is going from 86 to 88.
  • Lucian: The second shot of Lucian’s passive now has a 100% critical strike rate.
  • Kalista: Her W passive bonus damage is up at earlier levels.
  • Vayne: Tumble bonus AD ratio is up 10% at all levels.
  • Tristana: Basic attack speed ratio is up from .656 to .679.

The following League of Legends ADC Champions are getting bonus health to help increase survivability:

  • Aphelios: Base health up from 500 to 530 and base health growth up from 86 to 88.
  • Ashe: Base health up from 530 to 570 and base health growth up from 85 to 87.
  • Caitlyn: Base health up from 481 to 510 and base health growth up from 91 to 93.
  • Draven: Base health up from 574 to 605 and base health growth up from 88 to 90.
  • Ezreal: Base health up from 500 to 530 and base health growth up from 86 to 88.
  • Jhin: Base health up from 556 to 585 and base health growth up from 91 to 93.
  • Jinx: Base health up from 500 to 530 and base health growth up from 86 to 88.
  • Kog’Maw: Base health up from 500 to 530 and base health growth up from 86 to 88.
  • Miss Fortune: Base health up from 500 to 530 and base health growth up from 86 to 88.
  • Sivir: Base health up from 500 to 530 and base health growth up from 86 to 88.
  • Twitch: Base health up from 500 to 530 and base health growth up from 86 to 88.
  • Varus: Base health up from 500 to 530 and base health growth up from 86 to 88.
  • Xayah: Base health up from 500 to 530 and base health growth up from 86 to 88.

ADC item changes

The Zeal items in League of Legends are all getting a 2% increase to movement speed. This will help ADCs when it comes to kiting and survivability. Here are the items affected:

  • Zeal
  • Phantom Dancer
  • Rapid Firecannon
  • Statikk Shiv
  • Runaan’s Hurricane

Hopefully, these changes will help to keep ADCs more relevant in the meta. Make sure to check out the changes for yourself and stay up to date with all the latest League of Legends news and stories!