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Blizzard released a patch today, which included the long-awaited Competitive Mode.

One of Blizzard community managers Lylirra, ‘’blue posted’’ that the competitive mode was to be released today. However, they said that despite their best efforts, they wouldn’t be able to release the new mode on all three platforms. Today, it’s available on the PC, and it’s scheduled to be released next week on PS4 and XBONE.

Aside from that, she wanted to let the community know that the summer season will be shorter than the others. Instead of being a two and a half month long season, it’ll be reduced to a one and a half month long season.  Here’s what the community manager wrote regarding the shorter season:

‘’We’re super excited to release Competitive Play, and we made the decision to move ahead with a shorter season for two key reasons. One, we want players to be able to start working towards their Competitive Play rewards as soon as possible. And two, we believe this first season will teach us a lot of about what works well, what doesn’t, and what players are really looking for from a competitive system in Overwatch.’’

Sudden Death Mechanic

Some changes are to be made this fall. For those of you who played during the Beta, do you remember how game often went into Sudden Death? Fear not, Blizzard knows this has been an issue and they’ve managed to partially fix it.

On Assault maps (Temple of Anubis, Hanamura and Volkskaya Industries), they passed from roughly 40% during the beta, to 9% on the Public Test Realm(PTR). On Escort maps (Dorado, Watchpoint: Gibraltar and Route 66), it hovers around 16 to 18% on the PTR. When it comes to Hybrid maps (Numbani, King’s Row and Hollywood), the rate on PTR is around 20%-29%. Blizzard still feels like Hybrid and Escort maps are too often resolved with Sudden Death.  We are to expect changes shortly.